St Henri Sunset

St Henri Sunset - Sept 28 2022

The orange line was down for an extended period yesterday in Montreal during the rush-hour commute home. Instead of waiting around for an hour in a sea of people crammed into Lionel Groulx Station, where all metro cars were being evacuated, I decided to pop over to nearby St. Henri, one of my fav Montreal hoods. As I turned to go down Notre Dame Ouest, I caught this mural on the corner of Rose De Lima, just as the sun was setting. Even though I was pretty wiped from a 9 hour shoot that day, I had to stop and get a shot of this.

Sometimes life does not go as planned. These past few years have been hard won lessons on letting go of the things we cannot control, and to go with the flow in the face of uncertainty. Instead of getting angry or frustrated with the things that don't go the way we want or had planned, we've learned to pivot, to adjust, to find a new approach or embark down a new path.

By breaking out of old patterns, habits, modes of thinking, one never knows what unexpected joy or beauty might be found, waiting just around the corner.

St Henri Sunset - Sept 28, 2022



Exploring New Territory